310-307-3280 cphcsinc@hotmail.com

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is a service provided by Licensed Occupational Therapists or Certified Occupational Therapist Assistants, under the supervision of a licensed therapist. They are able to assess the patient’s ability to perform self care activities. Working with the CHHA and the Medical Social Worker, a therapy program may then be designed to achieve maximum independence in day to day activities. These may include regaining of skills necessary for self-care and activities of daily living.

Patients can be assisted by our Occupational Therapists especially those who are suffering from osteoporosis, arthritis, a recent stroke and chronic pain. The Occupational Therapy Program includes:

  • Development of home exercise program
  • Restore / improve use of upper extremity
  • Assist patient to achieve maximum independence in daily living activities (ADL/IADL)
  • Teach and train safe use of corrective / support devices
  • Safety Measures

Occupational therapy greatly helps people with disabilities to acquire functional and independent living skills. There is hope for betterment and well-being as long as one tries.

You may speak with our healthcare professionals about this service by calling us at 310-307-3280.